- constrainedKaos
- MOSGA: Modular Open-Source Genome Annotator
- CORDITE: CORona Drug InTEractions database
- ContraDRG: Automatic partial charge prediction by Machine Learning
- BOriS: Machine-learning based identification of gammaproteobacterial origins of replication
- kaos: Encoding of Sequences Based on Frequency Matrix Chaos Game Representation
- CalibratR and GUESS
- SCOTCH: Subtype A Coreceptor Tropism Classification in HIV-1
- SEDE-GPS: Socio-economic data enrichment based on GPS information
- eccCL: Parallelized GPU implementation of Ensemble Classifier Chains
- EFS: Ensemble Feature Selection Application
- SHIVA: Straubinger HIV Application
- gCUP: Rapid GPU-based HIV-1 Co-receptor Usage Prediction for Next-Generation Sequencing
- Interpol: Numerical Encoding and Interpolation of Amino Acid Sequences
- DNA-Crypt: Data Embedding in Living Organisms
- JACVANN: A Java Framework For Complex-Valued Artificial Neural Networks
- BrainBlend: A New Visualization Technique for SPM and Blender